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What are Dad's saying about Doulas?

Read this first hand accounts of dad's perception of having a doula during their spouse's birth.

Connor, MS

Dallas is an extremely caring, well educated, and attentive Doula. She helped us prepare physically and mentally to bring our son into this world and answered every question we had to help us achieve the best outcome possible. Having a Doula is a service no mother/ couple should miss out on, especially in a military environment where family and friends are often not able to be present during a pregnancy. We would have been far less confident both pre and post pregnancy had it not been for the excellent coach and sense of support that Dallas provided. 5/5 stars!

Ian, MS

Eight years ago, while pregnant with our first child, I remember my wife suggesting we spend a few hundred dollars out of pocket on a doula. I didn’t really understand what a doula was or did, so naturally I thought the service was likely unnecessary and a waste of money. Then, 14 hours into the day of our daughter’s birth, I told our doula that whatever she charges is simply not enough for the services that she was providing. My wife can attest to the services that doulas offer specifically to the mother better than I can; but as a father, especially when I was becoming one for the first time, having a doula there that I knew and trusted made it possible for me to be 100% present for everything, completely available for my wife’s needs and comforts, and peace of mind that someone who knew the ins and outs of births was watching out for my wife and new baby. There were things that my wife needed that I simply did not know how to provide, and having a doula made any fears or discomforts vanish.

Being a military family, we have had to have a different doula for each of our three babies’ births, so I speak from experience when I say that Dallas is absolutely fantastic at what she does, and there is no reason to continue searching for another doula. She is easily the best doula we have ever had, and if we are fortunate enough to be near her for a fourth there’s no doubt who we will use. She made both my wife and I feel comfortable from the moment we arrived at the hospital all the way through the birth. I couldn’t imagine having gone through the birth without her.
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